Friday, July 22, 2011

Well Saga Update

Through the grace of God, Family and good Friends the water is flowing again. I don't know where I would be without and one of those three.


  1. Thank god.Keep up the good work and keep the words flowing. Enjoy all that you write. I start my day off by reading your posts. I live in NW Kansas and it is good to see what people in other areas are doing to prepare for the future. I have pics at Nothing spectacular. Once again thanks for your insights on things. God bless and KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON.

  2. That's great news. You met a big problem head on and you came out on top.

  3. So glad! I've been there and didn't like it but I also didn't have the heat you have to deal with. Been thinking about you and your family and critters.

  4. Thank yall for your support and your comments.
    I will check your pics out John.
