Monday, February 7, 2011

But, It's Not Done!

All the snow and ice is gone now leaving nothing but water puddles and mud. I think it is easier to walk on ice than it is to woller around in this stuff out here.
I tried to pull my little cart around and within just a few turns of the wheels they locked up with all that stick, black mud.
Ok I'm done with the complaining now, the wife I guess got tired of waiting on me to finish the outside runs on the new breeder pens down at the big barn and decided we were moving chickens this afternoon. I tried to convince her it was not my fault the weather turned bad but she just kept walking. As I tried to keep up while dragging a locked up pull cart through the mud, I again explained that it would be easier to just wait until it was all done so I did not have to work around the chickens.
After the first trip with the waters and feeders I had had it. I put my foot down and told her we are not moving all those chickens in this mud and we are going to wait till I have the time to finish the outside runs before we do and that was that.
Anyway, the chickens love their new home down there in the barn. It is dry, out of the wind and now they can live and be happy.   
Old homestead off the side of the road.

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