We have 10 rabbits in all now with one fixen to kid the day after Christmas. Once these little things and a couple of six week old ones we have make it to two pounds, then we will be able to show them.
They all should be ready in February for the local show.
They brought in a bunch of Chinese ice sculpture guys to do this. It was some really good work. They gave us all Parkas because it was 9 degrees in this place.
The exhibit had over 2 million pounds of ice in it. This pic on the left is five ice slides they let everyone slide down.
This was at the end and the best one. It is the Nativity Scene.
All and all it was a nice outing. We do not get a chance to all be together much anymore and that was what really made it nice.
Cute little minis! Hope they do good for you. Those ice sculptures are beautiful. That takes tallent.