Here is the weekend recap.
Thursday: It was to cold to do any work Thanksgiving morning and then I was too miserable to do anything that after noon.
Friday: Spent the day on a rabbit run for the youngest daughter.
Saturday: Rebuilt the rabbit barn (again) and finished framing up the new breeder house and area. Spent the rest of the day cooking.
Today: Ended up babysitting the very sick wife so I was only able to get about and hour of work done outside. The rest of the day was spent cleaning, laundry and cooking.
Adding it all up, I only spent 3 1/2 hours actually working on the Mini Farm. That is sad.
The last hatch of the year ended up just the same as the first, if not worse. 32% hatch rate was all we got plus we did not get the Araucanas chicks we needed to have e
We did try some new eggs that we did not know if they would even be fertile or not. They were a cross between a Serama rooster and a Banty Cochin hen. We set six of them and when we candled the eggs a few days before the hatch, none were fertile. So if you take them out of the equation then it was a 36% hatch rate.
We are really burning it up with these numbers.
It is back to the grind tomorrow so I wish everyone a safe and blessed week.
I'm sorry the hatch rate was a disappointment, but glad it wasn't a complete bust. We haven't tried hatching chicks yet. I know it can be tricky, especially in winter I would think.
ReplyDeleteDon't discount how much you accomplished if you took care of your wife while she was sick. That's priceless! I know you taking up the slack with laundry and housework while she was down was priceless to her. I hope she is on the mend.
Have a blessed week!
: )