I thought that being I have been too busy to post this week, just like every week, I would give a few quick updates on what's happening in life that I usually don't blog about.
Lately I have tried to not fill my posts with trivial things about my everyday life and stay on track with projects, gardens and what ever else I think you might find interesting. Who wants to read about the little things anyway, right? Being I will not be able to post again till next week and I have nothing to post about right now, I will fill this post with the trivial things.
I don't blame you if you exit now because this might be boring.
I just finished my fist college class in about 18 years. I got an "A" and happy about it. The next class starts Monday and from reading the syllabus it will be a lot tougher than the last. Even though the degree is in Theology, this is turning out to be more demanding that I thought. I can't see how I can continue in this adventure with all that is going on, but I will try.
I am now Bonafied. I have been ordained for the past five years, but I never received my credentials. I am now in possession of the certification papers and can legally perform weddings, baptisms and funerals. My first wedding to officiate is in July. I might be as nervous as the bride and groom when it come down to it. The last thing I want to do is freeze up at their moment. I can see it now, "I now pronounce you.....umm......"
The more cruise ships that keep having problems, the more stressed I am getting. Everything is set up and we set sail at the end of April. I will have a case of water and a suitcase full of MREs with me just in case. I cannot bring aboard a heating source for the water, but if you put a water bottle in direct sun for 2 hours, it will be hot enough to to give you a nice warm meal. Plus I will have small bags with me just in case the toilets quit working. They won't let me bring on my complete bug out bag, but you can bet I will be prepared for anything other than sinking. (Ah, just typing that work made me sick, sinking)
We are cooking in one of the largest chili cook offs in North Texas tomorrow. Over 150 cooks and the winner will receive two all expense paid vacation package to some island somewhere. I cant remember where because I know I don't have a chance. There are five cook offs scheduled in the next two months in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma we plan to attend. I hope to at least make the final table in the Southwest open in the first of May in Durant.
I am trying to get me and the wife into the Texas Master Gardening classes so we can get certified as master gardeners. They want you to attend 50 classroom hours and 50 volunteer hours within a year. I don't know where I will be able to find the time, but I really want to do this. Also I found out they have a Texas Naturalist certification you can get as well. I might look into that for next year or, they may take the volunteer hours for both. If they do I might do both at the same time.
The past three weeks I have met some new folks that want to start attending the group meetings we hold once a month. Out of respect of the homeowner I have to meet with the folks and feel them out to make sure they are not radicals, so far so good. The people I have talked to are just like everyone else in the group. They are living or want to start living a more self sustainable lifestyle. This is turning out to be bigger and better than I first thought. A tremendous amount of knowledge is shared and I always walk away with something new. So the old wise tell about teaching an old dog new tricks don't apply this time.
The wife's Aviary is coming along. It is getting more complex everyday. What started out as a quick build has manifested into a monster. At every turn I get more and more detailed on this thing. Before long I might just close in the screens and live in it myself.
That's about all I got for now. I've got more, but this is getting a little long so I will cut it off here. Thank you if you stayed and read through it all. I know it was boring, but it is a post. Oh, if you know of some way I can generate about ten grand let me know. I need that so I can get back on track here at the Mini Farm. I am falling behind on the "Great Plan" because it takes money and time. Time I can always make by working through the night, but the money I cannot grow as fast. Maybe one day.
See ya on the flip side,