As long as I was out of the wind, I was able to do a little work today. When I got cold, I simply brought everything inside on the kitchen table. The wife was not happy about it but it could have been worse, I have rebuilt carburetors on it before.
I cut and installed the tail fin for the wind turbine plus mounted the motor and welded the swivel unit on (no, I didn't weld in the house). I was so close to seeing this thing run I decided to go ahead and cut and shape the 24" blades from a 8" PVC pipe my buddy dropped off the other night. He brought me four feet just in case I really messed up on the first set of blades. I drilled and attached the blades and called everyone outside for the show.
I do not have a tower for it yet so I just set it on the fence facing into the 10 to 15 mph North wind. I hooked up the volt meter and let the blades loose. Absolutely nothing. One of the kids asked when it was
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