Thursday, October 3, 2013


Yup, I did it, I fired my employer today so I am now unemployed, I am free.

I gave them a month notice I was firing them and still they waited till the last minute to get a replacement. I spent only one hour with the poor guy this morning before walking out the door. He was like a deer in the head lights.
My work is very technical and a responsible company would have send someone out at least a week in advance before my last day. Now, they are all screwed.
This weekend we will be cooking in Gainesville Tx at the Lavender Ridge Farms Fall Festival.
After that we will be taking a break due to saving money for the new A/C-Heater unit for the house. If I were not the one putting this cook off on I wouldn't be doing it. That would look kinda bad If the guy who set everything up and has all the answers didn't even go.
It's going to be fun. So if you are up that way and are looking for a really nice place to spend the day, come on out.    

By the way if you were wondering. I start a new job on Monday. In my line of work you have to change employers about every three to four years to stay on top of the curve. If not then you get passed by on promotions and pay. New people coming in from other engineering firms are getting top dollar and after a while they start coming in for more than you make so that is when you have to make the move. Loyalty for your company is non existent and they feel the same to the people they hire. If they can find someone to do your job better and cheaper then you are out the door.
I admit I am a money prostitute. I sell my expertise for as much as I can get and who pays that is who benefits from it. 

That's all I got for now, see ya on the flip side.


  1. Congrats on firing your employer! I fired mine a little over a year ago and haven't looked back. It is just unfortunate that you employered up again already. I think I'm going to wait a few more years before doing so.

    1. Yea Ed, there's something about those bills, they keep coming every month no matter what. I had to do it no matter how bad I didn't want to..

  2. Some people don't understand how new people get the money and the people who mind their business and do good work get screwed but I have seen it.

    1. It's a shame it has to be like that SBF but it is. I would love to stay with one company for the next 20 years but I don't see it happening.

  3. MDR,

    At first I thought you were retiring, you just fired your employer and start a new job come Monday. Congratulations my friend. Enjoy working for this new company. The old saying is to watch out and take care of yourself and your family because no one else will.

    Enjoy your time off, and cooking in Gainesville, TX.

    1. I so wished I could retire Sandy. I need another 20 years before I can do that.
      Come see us sometime.

  4. Way to go big guy. Just take this job and shove it. Ya!

    1. It was kinda like that sista. They wanted the trow a little more money my way to stay but being I have asked for 1 to 3 percent every six moths for the past 3 1/2 years and not getting anything, I told them it was too late.

  5. If you don't value yourself and your skills who will. If you can get better pay doing the same work for someone else that makes sense to me. Your loyalty and responsibility is to yourself and your family first and foremost after all :)

    1. That's right Dreamer. My work is fourth on my list.
