Even tho it was 29 degrees, I was outside enjoying the peace and quiet when I heard what sounded like a ocean wave come across the sky. Millions of black birds. I thought is was pretty cool. I hope they don't stay to long.
When we first moved to this place in November, I told my wife no outside dogs until we get the fences up. I did not want our dogs to run the neighborhood and kill other people's
Another storm is headed this way and they say this one will have more snow and ice mixed with it. The only work I was able to do today was build the little walkway from the back porch to the patio. Then I spent the rest of the morning preparing for the storm. More wood in the house, more kindling made. I stepped back and looked at my wood supply and noticed it was running dangerously low. With all the moving, rain and holidays, I have not been able to keep my stock up. I hope I have en
I can almost bet there will be no work tomorrow. I need to run to town and get the stuff for New Years Dinner anyway.
I have wood for sale. I live on an old farm with hundreds of oak trees, Let me know