One good thing about living 30 miles away from the big city is, it decreases the trips to Walmart. I hate that store with a passion but with the crunch on money I can't help but support it on a bi-monthly basis. They can sell items cheaper than most mom and pop stores can buy them. I do believe Walmart is the main down fall of our society. Back in the day the customers were not always right. When they threw the little "I'm not happy" fits in home town hardware stores or the local meat market, they were told to leave and not come back. Even at gun point if need be.
The WM Super Centers has made it where a person can holler and scream about anything and get whatever they want, even get it for free if they are loud enough. That type of mentality has spilled over into our society and made us numb to the fact of the hard working American trying to do their job. In turn, it has affected the good customer service representatives in not wanting to give just that, good customer service. What a shame.
Getting off my soap box, I did have to go into town twice today to get more food t
While I was headed home from the store (the first time), you would not believe the wildlife photo opportunities I came across. They would have made the front page of National Geographic. One problem, the camera was at home. When the wife said I forgot the little smokies, I jumped at the chance to go again. That and cabin fever has set in at the house and with a wife and three girls I am out gunned. So off I went camera in hand. Of course the photo opportunities were long gone, but I still stopped for a couple of shots.
This was taken down by the creek next to the fishing hole. Now I am not to bi
This car has been right here a very long time. It looks like a early 30's sedan but I do not know for sure what the make it. I think it's a Ford. It is a true shame this car was left to die right here. I bet over the years when this old classic was first parked, many people tried to buy it from the owner. I also bet the same answer I always hear when trying to buy a old car was given to them. "Ohhh, I couldn't. That was my daddy's last car (or first) he ever bought. No way can I sell it, I just couldn't. He would turn over in his grave."
What a shame.
Happy New Year!!