One thing that can change your attitude is a small crisis. the well was fixed late this afternoon but two days without the security of turning on the faucet and water coming out was an eye opener.
As caveman like as it might have been, I could have held out for about three m
ore days without any outside help giving it a total of five to six days of self sustainability.
That is what bothered me. If the tornado that tore through Dallas yesterday came this way and took out the power lines, it might be two to three weeks before the power company could hook us back up. Then I would be having a problem.
I was struggling with what project to do next and this little two day episode has made my mind up.
I plan to focus on the big water system and the outdoor bathroom. Even though I have a outdoor shower now, it is one of those little solar tent camping rigs and it would work for a while but the ware and tare of five people would tare it up in no time.
The two 1500 gallon tanks are in and all I need to do is run the gutter and plumb them together.
I plan to use a 12 volt positive pressure pump so it will have pressure any time you need it. It will run through a filtration system so the water could be used for bathing but not good enough to drink yet. That will come later.
Our well is shared with others out here and the shear panic I saw in their eyes yesterday was amazing. One lady has six kids without no water reserve in the house. What if this was a real problem and we were out of water for a month or two. These people do not have a clue on what to do. One of them asked me last night what I was going to do. I told them I was going to draw up about 20 gallons of water for the toilets and then make a glass of tea and relax.
The one thing I hate the most is being vulnerable. I get lazy and think the necessities are the things other than survival. Yes I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill on this but I can't get over the what if's.