I wished I was doing it for better reasons though. It will be good to see HB again and I hope she puts me to work for the short time I am there.
Like I always do, I have some friends staying at the house for security purposes when I am gone. I just don't like being away and leaving the house empty. Way too many people know my schedule and me posting it on here and the wife checking in on Facebook everywhere we go doesn't help matters much either. Social media is a thief's dream. So my friends will be there to take care of the animals and any wrong doings someone may want to do.
Even though this weekend will be in remembrance of a good friend I do plan to stop by a little place I have been trying to catch open for a couple of years now.

If it was anyplace but Texas I might ask for an application to live there, but there is no way I could do without A/C now. If I never had it then I wouldn't miss it , but I have and I would.
Y'all have a good weekend and I will talk to ya on Monday,
safe travels
ReplyDeleteThanks Rob
Deletehave a safe trip buddy! and tell HB that we have her in our prayers. and let us know all about your trip to homestead heritage when you get back!
ReplyDeleteyour friend,
Will do on both Kymber,
I work with manual tools like the Amish, scything hay and fun things like that. We don't have air conditioning and it really doesn't bother me too much or at least I don't let it bother me. I have cut and split wood in the summer as I had to one year but I really don't like that, it will wear you out and you can't see what you are doing for the weeds. I would like to see that place but I am no where near Texas or their heat.
ReplyDeleteNot saying you couldn't do it SBF but if you were in Texas I bet you would want A/C. Yesterday it reached 105 and there is no relief in sight.
DeleteI do most of that as well. I still split my own wood by hand but only in the cool season. I dig holes with a hand post hole digger and try to do things the old way, but(and yes there is a but)when I go in the house I want it cool. That is really my only stipulation. I work in the heat all day and when I sleep, I want it cool.
I hope to get some good pictures of the place and would really like to bring back a story or two.
Thanks for the comment.