Sale, Sale Sale, At least that is what the Craig's List and Facebook adds read yesterday morning. By bedtime last night, 1/3 of the animals were already sold. A couple of dollars under premium price and you have yourself a sell. I told the wife who is handling all this, do not sell anything if we will loose money. It is too counterproductive and that ain't gunna work.
I am hoping by the end of the weekend we will be down to the remaining animals we are wanting to keep just for the homestead.
Here is the way I am looking at it. I know you can never be prepared enough. I know that you can never prepare for every thing that may happen. I also know that homesteading is a full time job.
All I am doing is trying to simplify the simple life. Instead of selling three to five hundred chickens a year, I am wanting to scale back to having just what I need. Same with the goats, geese and whatever else comes through here. I should not be pushing myself this hard to live simple, It's stupid.
Call it a midlife crisis, an epiphany or whatever, but living the simple life should not kill you. I already have what I need set in place for survival. If you work as hard as I do to live simple, it's not working. I look around and ask myself, what else do I need just in case I need it. I am at the point of creating things I might need instead of building the things I have to have. The one project I still don't have the way I like it is the outdoor kitchen. If the worst happens, I do have an area I can cook all my meals outside now but it is not a full fledged kitchen. I can work on that as time allows.
I still plan to garden, can and preserve for the winter. I still plan to continue to blog in the future and to build smaller projects when I see fit. The one thing I am changing is to free up some time to live while I still can.
Instead of blogging about my losses due to the heat or how I cant afford my next project because my feed bill is killing me, I want to blog about how warm the water is at the lake, how many fish I caught, how many miles we covered hiking that day and what we saw on the trail.
If you don't understand like some of the emails I have gotten asking why, then let me put it to you this way. I have lived this way my whole life and only until I started blogging found out other people do this for recreation. I don't have a city house to escape to during the week and only come back to the farm on the weekends. That is not what I want, but I am tired of working till dark during the week and working sixteen hour days on the weekends just for simplicity. Call it burn out, Call it what you want.
So, I am going to take some time off, have fun, relax and do what "normal" people do. (That's funny right there)
My email is if you want to stay in contact.
I will be back in a few months with some of the How-To books ready to go and hopefully a new focus and direction.
Thank everyone for their continued support and being a part of Modern Day Redneck. You are all like family to me and I hope to hear from you.
Come see me sometime.
Saying all that, I guess I will see ya on the flip side. Stay safe.