Monday, May 26, 2014

Finally, It's On The Way

It's all about Cooking Chili and Family. It has been that way for a while now.

Candy, Jessie and myself just got back from a great two day chili cookoff in Durant OK. On top of that it was the new camper's maiden voyage. We had a really great time and the camper is just what we were looking for. It's like having a mobile apartment. 
Saturday's cookoff was for the title of Southwest United States Champion. 153 cooks turned in, I walked with 23rd place. I was ecstatic, this was the fourth time we have cook this one and finally I walked.  

Sunday's cook off was for the North Of The Brazos Championship. 83 cooks turned in their chili, Candy walked with 8th place and I walked with 1st. Can someone give me a "Hell Yea"?
I am so proud of the wife for walking and getting some more points. This is the best we have ever done at a huge cookoff. She works really hard at making the perfect pot of Texas Red and prides herself on the taste. Candy now needs only 2 more points to be qualified for the World Championship in November.You go girl!
Our next cookoff is in Lone Oak Texas in two weeks.

Now for the important thing. Tomorrow at 8:30 AM we will be Grandparents for the first time. Hannah is scheduled for little Rebecca's delivery by knife because even though she is due, she has not turned and has no plans to do so.
We will be at the hospital at 6:00 AM in support. She is so scared and our nerves are shot. I can figure no sleep tonight for any of us. After a long nine months little Rebecca will finally be here.
I will post pictures tomorrow afternoon if you would like me to.

Thanks for hanging in there,


  1. "HELL YEAH!" for the chili and "OH HELL YEAH!" for little Rebecca! Blessings galore and more in store!

  2. !st place huh you are coming up in the world.Congrats and and a oohrah for you both.

  3. Congrats and prayers- Julia

  4. What happens to all the chili at these events? Do you eat it?

    My daughter had not turned after 27 hours of labor, and I refused the C-section. Feet first is not fun because they would not give me anything for pain. Oh, this was 40 years ago, and not with ob-gyn. No one knew why she was not coming until an xray or something after 27 hours.

    Congratulations on the chili awards and the new grandchild.

    1. We bring what is left home and freeze it. We use it for all kinds of meals.
      Hannah ended up not having a C section after all.
      Thanks PP

  5. Way to go Grandpa. The little one will grow up fast. our grandson is 6 months already and spoiled.

  6. Congratulations! Do you use the same recipe every time? Or do you tweak it each time with what is available.

    1. Yes, we cook the same one every time. Last year we changed every cookoff and never did any good. We finally found a combination that works so we are not changing it.
      Thanks Kristine

  7. HELL YES!!!!!!!!! I knew you would get 1st!!!!!!
    You guys are going to be AWESOME grandparents. How exciting! Can't wait to see pictures ♥

  8. Ditto what lotta joy said! So exciting for the whole family!

  9. MDR,

    Yeehaw.........on the Hell Yeah!!!!
    Congratulations on placing 23rd at the South West U.S. Championship in Durant, and Candy taking 8th place and you 1st in the North Brazo's Championship. Woooooohoooooo!!!!!

    Blessing and prayers for tomorrow morning grand baby delivery.
    Fear of the unknown on Hannah's first delivery, all will go well. Sending hugs to you, Candy, and your family.

  10. Good job, wish you guys weren't so far away, I get a craving for chili every time you post about it!

  11. That's great news. I'm glad you had a great weekend. Congrats on the upcoming birth of your granddaughter. I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery.

  12. Good luck!!! I know everything will be just fine!!!!

  13. Yes I want to see pictures of little Rebecca! Congrats on the chili cook-off. Looks like the new trailer is helping out?

    1. The trailer sure helped,
      I will have pics in the next post.
      Thanks Izzy
