
Friday, July 26, 2013

It's The Heat

My "want to" is broke. It's got to be the heat.

I have a project list a mile long and as just as many chores on top of that, but I just don't want to do any of them.

The triple digit heat has made everything hard to do. Last night I waited till 8:30 to pick the gardens, I'm usually in bed by then but it had to be done. I work in it all day and the last thing I want to do is be in it when I get home. 41 years of Texas summers and they ain't getting any easier, but in a couple of more months and it will start cooling off again, I hope

As far as the weekend plans, I don't have any. Yea, no kidding.
I bet by the time it is all said and done I will be busy.
I sure don't want to hang around in the house. The wife has a "honey do" list just as long as mine. I think I would rather sweat.

Stay cool this weekend and I will talk to ya on Monday.



  1. Temps in MN right now are cool 58 this hour. Last week near 100. Got to love MN

  2. TN is unseasonably cool too, only in the 80's this week. You should come for a visit.

    1. Barb, we come out that way every now and then. As a matter of fact I think it's getting close to our turn to travel and visit family and friends. They came here last time.

  3. Temperatures here in central Oklahoma are a little cooler this weekend. If you don't want to have to tackle things at home, grab your fishing pole, pack a lunch, and go fishing.

    1. Believe me Sandy we thought about it. The creeks are dry here and there is no place to go now. You need a boat to get out where the fish are.

  4. Seattle has been nice. I just wish it would rain a little- its really dry around here.

    1. Even though we are getting some rain J&M, there is no run off and the creeks are dry.
