
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Back to Chili

This weekend is back to chili cooking. We took a couple of three weeks off due to the cookoffs were so far away. Plus I was getting behind on some chores at the house. Well, nothing has change, I am still behind on my chores and the cookoff we are going to is three hours away, about an hour outside of my regular limit. But, we need the points so we have to.We will be cooking in Edmond OK this weekend.
Two weekends ago Jessie, my oldest, did her first chili cookoff by herself. She made us proud by making final table with her chili. If she keeps it up she will qualify before we do.

We are right in the middle a hectic time of the year. On top of the getting the gardens in and getting ready for spring with the animals, we have my youngest girls 18th birthday party we are getting geared up to do. This party will be one of the biggest we have had in a long time. Putting together all the Older Teen Games, Old West Cooking and Live Music we are planning is almost too much to bare. Add in her Graduation party just a couple of months later and throw in a Baby shower for the middle girl in April and then you have yourself one busy and expensive next few months.
"Why have the parties then," you ask? Well, you only turn 18 once and being this is our last daughter to turn 18, it has to be a big one. You only Graduate from High School once and being this will be our last child to graduate and we gave the other two a party then we have to do that with her as well. And you only have your first baby once so every woman deserves a baby shower. We will give the other two girls a baby shower when that time comes as well.
It just so happens they all fall in a three month span.    

Back to work,


  1. Congratulations to Jessie on making the Finals table with her chili .. but no surprise there, I've tasted her chili!! Best of luck to all the Team Ford member who cook this weekend in Oklahoma!


  2. Jerry,

    I sent you an e-mail about not being able to meet up.
    Congratulations to your daughter on taking the table, she's following in her parents foot steps.

    You and your sweet wife will do very well in Oklahoma this weekend, I'm hoping you kick butt :-) Good Luck my friend!!!

  3. Wow! I'd flat be running out of gas with all that you have on your plate. Truthfully though it all sounds like tons of fun but sometimes I have to wonder how you do it all.
    Good luck on the cook off and hats off to Jesse for getting to the table! What a talented family you are.

  4. Up in OK this weekend? Hope you are being careful getting home. Let's hope this is the last nasty weather we have for the winter in this area. Julia
