
Friday, April 20, 2012

Now Where Did I Put That?

I hate it when that happens, you know you have something, you know you put it up for safe keeping but you just can't figure out where.

The part I am looking for is the solar panel I have that will run my fan for the solar dehydrator. It is all I need to finish the project, but for the life of me I cannot figure out where I hid it. The wife and I have turned this house upside down and I know it is in here somewhere.

You know what will happen don't you? As soon as I give up and buy another one I will find it. It always happens that way.

I am proud of myself for hiding it so well.

Olly olly oxen free.........



  1. It's right in front of your face. In the most sensible place. Look for it there. (or you used it already) hehehe

  2. seems like that sorta thing happens to me alot too...and nine times outta ten, the thing i have misplaced is staring me in the face or inches from my hand. it will come to you eventually and not any sooner.. save your receipts just in case you buy another and have to ship one back to the store.

    1. Good idea Anony but then I'll think I will need it again in the future and being I bought another one anyway, so I will put it back up.

  3. Well that makes me feel good. I ALWAYS do that. I run from barn to barn to garage, to shed looking for stuff all the time. I generally put it where I think I will need it most. Then I am somewhere else when I need it. The good thing is after you buy another panel you will have an extra laying around somewhere for your next project. Happy hunting! - Genevieve

    1. I think when I find it I will take a picture of it so I will know where it is. Now, where did I put that camera?

  4. I hate it when that happens.... seems to happen more and more after I hit fifty. Good luck, hope you find it before you buy another.

    1. That's not good news for me, I am only forty. I had better come up with a better system if this is going to get worse.

  5. Don't buy yet, just stop looking and do something else. it will show up then.

    1. Rob I started looking for this thing last weekend. I stopped during the week to find it like you said but still nothing.

  6. Polo

    oh oh oh I'm so excited to see this post, not because you lost your panel, but because I just saw this and thought of you! Any thoughts on how to build it? I really want to make one of these because I so can't afford the cost of buying it. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Wow, $350 bucks. You should be able to build this for less than $20 even if don't have all the stuff.
      I would use two screens off a couple of windows on the house I never open and build it around them. For a heat absorbing plate, a scrap piece of tin from the barn painted black would work.
      I personally do not like direct solar on dehydrating just because. It works and works well. It is the way the old timers did it, I just prefer indirect. It may take longer but at least the food is not cooked.
      The only difference between the direct solar dehydrator and a solar oven is the mirrors. If you are wanting both you can actually build this one to be both with fold down or removable mirrors.
      Good luck and happy building.

  7. My dad has this problem a lot. Might be the reason he has so many doubles and triples of tools, not just little ones either. He has at least three circular saws that I know of but there is no telling how many he has stashed all over the place...I do not do this no, no, no well maybe a little bit LOL but usually just with scissors and small things like knitting needles. Jeez maybe it does run in the family ;)

    1. Denise I can say I understand on why your Dad has the same tools in different areas. I have a set in the house, the shed and the barn. I generally keep the tools up and in their spots because that is part of my OCD. It is the extras like this solar panel that does not have a spot where I get in trouble.

  8. It's always in the last place you look. lol
