
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Must Be Doing Something Right

I don't know if it is one single thing I am doing or a combination of several things, but whatever it is it's right.

These two raised beds are full of Squash, Pumpkins, Cantaloupes and Watermelons. 
 Look at the size of this squash plant. It is like a Giant Elephant Ear.

And Carrots, I have never had carrots this big and bushy. I pulled one just to make sure something was growing under the top and the carrot was already eating size. Another couple of weeks and these bad boys will be pickled.

I got maters and I am happy about it. Last year the plants were big but they never produced any fruit. I have so many plants this year I think I will have more tomatoes than I will know what to do with.
If you were wondering, yes the girls did out fish me again. I sure am glad I am not making a living on what I catch. The girls on the other hand, they might could make a few dollars.

Right off the bat this morning before I even had the chance to bait my hook, the youngest "Wee" pulled in this  4 lb Alligator Gar. We don't eat Gar so I threw him back. The little devil, with all his needle teeth did get in a bite on my finger before I could get him back in the water and yes the blood was flowing.

Boppie (The middle girl) did manage to pull in some baby fish we could not keep, but at least the cork went down.

I, again did not pull one single fish out of the water, but I did get to relax, hear the girls laugh and have a little fun, priceless.

I hope y'all have a great week and thank you CFW, I am undeserving.    


  1. You'd have just had to clean them. ;-)

    1. I agree Gorges and some people say they are good. There is just something about them though.

  2. buddy - you and sweet wife are our godparents of choice! MDR - you and your sweet wife rock! and we are glad to be your friends. can't believe the girls outfished you but jambaloney says it always happens when you take girls fishin'! no bother buddy - we know that you are a fisher extraordinnare!

    i am glad that you got to spend the day with your girls - this is so important to girls when they are growing up! it's because they think their Dad is a superman - i talk from experience. and you are doing a fantastic job, buddy!

    your friend,

  3. Thanks Kymber, I don't mind. They can out fish me any day.

  4. Figures..the year I'm moving and not planting anything looks to be a good gardening year. The squash is very impressive...a friend of mine is already harvesting some crooked neck in Denton.

    1. Yea Carolyn, but look at where you are going. How about you tend my gardens and I go to the mountains. I would trade in a heartbeat.

  5. Those dang gar's kinda freak me out a bit! I always have to find someone else to take them off the line for me. (yeah, I know... ) Sounds like ya'll had a great time!

    1. Sci, If I wasn't as cheap as I am I would have just cut the line, but I did not want to loose a hook.
      The kids always have a great time when we go. It is funner now that they are older.

  6. Good deal, your garden is further along than mine.

    1. Duke, last year I was late in planting and lost it all so this year I rolled the dice and got an early start.
      So far it has panned out.

  7. Things are looking so good around there and I am happy for you my friend. It is good to hear you so chipper.

    I am glad you took some time off today to fish with the girls even if they did out fish you. As you have said, the time is priceless. It makes me smile to think of you all our there having such a good time. - Genevieve

    1. Thanks Genevieve, I hope I have enough jars to put it all up now.
      I guess you could say I took the whole weekend off. I know I will pay for it next weekend but oh well. Sunday afternoon I did get some stuff done but nothing worth a post, just maintenance. Next weekend BEB will be back for the summer so we are excited about that.

    2. I am sure you and Mrs. MDR can acquire some jars. You two are very creative. I know BEB will be happy to be back home. You know she'll be itching to get her hand dirty with you.

    3. Sorry for the late reply Gev,
      We are counting the days till she will be back. This Friday. Now I need to find something to do this summer.

  8. Fishing with the girls --- so special. We have two daughters in their 20's and raised them to know how to fish. Best times ever!


    1. Lana, as you know when they are young it is a chore, but now they are all older it is fun.
      Thanks for your comment.

  9. Fishing with the kids, nothing better. But I'm with SciFi Chick, those Gars are a bit freaky. I don't even know if they have fish like that up here. (MN) One thing for sure we don't have is a garden that looks like yours. Ours are all still waiting to be planted. You MUST be doing something (or everything!!) right!

    1. MamaTea, When she caught that Gar I knew we would not catch much. When they are in the area all the fish move out.
      Like I said, I rolled the dice this year on the gardens. I planted some things two months early going against what I know and I have even been told I was dumb for planting Okra and Watermelon in April. Well, my okra is eight inches tall and the watermelon vines are growing just like if it was summer. We have had 90+ degree days and by this time last year we were already almost a hundred. Everyone around here planted to late and lost everything.
      This year we added the sprinkler systems and shades to see if that would help.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I ALWAYS outfished my Daddy. I outfish my husband now. Lol. Nice plants!!!!

    1. SFG, On the way back from the creek while talking about the fish they caught one of the girls said, "And Daddy got skunked again" I just smiled.
      The stories they will be able to tell, I love it.

  11. The garden looks fabulous! I always laugh that carrots are sneaky veggies, you just can't help pulling one to see if you are actually getting anything.
    Glad to hear you and the girls got out fishing. My boys and their dad were going to go this weekend but it was too windy. They will shoot for next weekend.

    1. Stephanie, I have never had much luck with carrots but this new soil mixture I am using in that bed does not compact and gives the carrot room to grow. All the other years they came out as fat little nubs but these are fantastic.
      We have areas up in the creeks that protect us from the wind so even on the most windy days we can still go. I don't have a boat so bank fishing is all we do.
      Next weekend we are going over to my Dad's pond and try our luck there, then kill some roosters.
