
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clicking Right Along

Just like everyone else, it is that time of the season and it is busy. There is no difference from work to the Mini Farm, everything is in overdrive and running full throttle.

This blog was started for a way to keep a record of what I was doing and the successes and failures of the events when done. I never expected to have one reader much less as many as I do. As the reader base grew I felt a need to post more often. Like many of y'all do, I felt an obligation to do so on a daily bases and during this time of the year it is just too much. As you can tell this past couple of months I have dropped back to once or twice a week on my posts.
From the emails I have received I deemed it necessary to post about this. For the past two and half years doing this blog I have found that when you have something to say you don't have the time to say it and when you do have the time, there is nothing to say.

With the Mini Farm in full swing and some family issues just coming to light I need to focus on those issues more than this. You are very important to me and rank number five on my important scale with God, Family, Country and Work being the top four. I will continue to blog, but only when I can. I do hope you understand. If it is once a week or just once a month until things slow back down and the family matters I mentioned get back to normal.

Saying all that, here is a quick update. Like I said, the Mini Farm is in full operation. The wife gave a couple of tours this week to people wanting to see all the cool water and solar projects and the animals. The Mini Farm has been standing open now for the past few weeks and people have been coming and going everyday buying this or that.
Chicks are hatching once a month and I can say now I almost have too many chickens.
Feed has gone up and the profit margins have gone down. We have to sell more just to see a little return. Everyone is looking for a deal and want to jew us down, I don't blame them because I do the same thing. Last night I had a guy ask me for the friend price. I just laughed.

Raising my own slaughter pigs was not the way to go. I already have more in them than I will ever get back in food. Yes it is a lot more healthier this way but if I have to go through this kind of expense to just eat healthy I would rather go without pork.  

This week I had to check myself because I was falling into a slump with doing the same old rut everyday. Work ten hours, come home and work another four or five. I am getting tired and the season just started. At the end of the day I am doing more harm than good until I finally just give up, put the tools down and go to the bath house for a hot shower.

 I have seen a good dent in my project list so that is the good news, the bad news is I did most of the small ones to get them out of the way. A big project comes with big expenses and that's something I cannot do right now. I have been needing a shop for three years. I work out of a little yellow cart I pull around and set up tables and sawhorses for benches. It ain't right. A workshop would cost around three grand and all I can do is dream of it while I pull my little tool filled cart around.  I have a guy that will help me build it and probably could get it all framed in a weekend but it's the material I do not have.
So the next low budget project is the solar laundry room. I have most of the supplies needed to get it done so I can build it for under one hundred and fifty dollars I think. I already have the floor set in place so that is a start.

Until next time            


  1. MDR - THIS really is the busy season and all of us that are mini-farming, homesteading or just hobbying are very busy. all of that to say that we all understand that you can't be putting up 2 posts a day!!! so post when you can, update us when you can, and know that we will all be keeping our eye on new posts.

    can you stop by my blog and read this:

    your prayers would be so much appreciated!

    thanks buddy! your friend,

    1. I did this morning Kymber and offered my best wishes. I will throw a little help that way this weekend.

    2. MDR - prayers are more than enough, my friend. thank you so much - thank you from the bottom of my heart, buddy!

  2. I know you are way too busy, but have you considered charging for the tours of the Mini farm? We have one here in Central FL that does this;

    It might help offset the costs of all things farm related. Just a thought.

    1. Izzy tours and classes are part of the plan but right now I do not have enough to show and feel comfortable charging for. As soon as I can get the CSA up and going then I will be doing all that and than some.
      Thanks for the comment

  3. Pace yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day! And I agree with izzy, MDR ...starting asking a nominal cover charge for visitors. A buck or two per person, kids under 12 for free, who would object? It might help at least ease your bottom line. I'd pay to see what you've got going on guys are amazing!

    Hoping to have the Internet back up at the house after today. Hoping, hoping. I am have BLOG WITHDRAWAL!! lol


    1. HB I understand the Rome comment but we in Texas now.
      I'm just not ready to charge yet. We do not have enough "tours" to justify it plus I do not have everything in place to to that. I still need the general store, petting zoo, The CSA gardens and greenhouses, the pavilion, fish pond, gazebo and many other little things to make it worth the couple of bucks to come and look.
      It's in the plan though and you know y'all can come up here anytime you want.
      Good luck with the internet and thanks for stopping by.

  4. I completely understand. I was just contemplating quitting my blog. Haven't done it yet. Sometimes just posting a picture is enough and it is going to have to be. Too much to do right now.

    1. Sista I have contemplated it several times as well but then I know I would miss it and miss all the friends I have come to know. I enjoy reading your blog and even though I do not comment all the time just know I read it.

  5. i am wih you...busy, busy, busy and more busy..up to my eyeballs busy-and it aint gonna let up anytime soon either.hubby has had to cut back on his volunteering stuff and i have been at the sewing machine or in the gardens from dawn to midnite lately. the money situation is getting harder also...folks around n.e. mississippi are starting to look twice at their trash and junk before letting it go for little or nothing. it is gonna be a long summer. i agree with sista, sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words..dont quit, just cut back a bit and take care of yourself and yours first..

    1. We all are busy. I do not plan to stop blogging just need to slow down some.
      Glad to hear you are able to get to your gardens now. Send me some pictures!

  6. Just hang in there. It is just the time of year. Plenty going on.

  7. Love you. Have a great rest of the week.

  8. Sounds like you got all your priorities straight MDR. You do what you gotta do and post when you can. Sometimes there's too much to read out there in blog world, so a break is nice every now and then... ;)

    1. Thanks Keepinit. I am sure I will have plenty to say when I need to.

  9. I completely understand. I'm right there with ya.

    1. SFG, It's good to stay busy but not this busy. Last night was the first time I sat down before dark in a while.

  10. MDR, hope that the family issues get resolved soon. With that said, you post when you can. We all get it, and those that don't...well they can bugger off. Love reading whatever you post, and would never ask you to do more than you can.

    1. Stephine I hope it all works out for you. Keep in mind I read your blog and send prayers your way for your issues as well.
      Thanks for the comment.

  11. We have already talked about how far behind on blogging and ready we both are. Like I just said in my own blog, at least things on my to do list are getting done.

    You know I'll be around come the heat of the summer or the cold of the winter when we are huddled in our homes for comfort. Until then like you, I will be out living life and loving every minute of it. - Genevieve

    1. Genevieve, I can't think of any other way I would like to live either.
