
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thank The Stars I Am Four Hours Away

I am sure by now everyone knows BEB is my oldest daughter and she is 4 1/2 hours away at college.
I called her last night to see how everything was going and just like a daddy always knows when something is wrong, I knew something was not right.

She didn't have that chipperness in her voice and avoided my questions a little. Now this was getting serious because she was hiding something from me and I knew she felt terrible about it.
Her whole life I have told her no matter what, you can always talk to me. My love is unconditional and there is nothing she could ever do to ever stop that. So knowing she was hurting by not telling me , was actually hurting me even worse.
After some coxing and reassurance she finally started and boy did she start. She talked so fast I had to slow her down and repeat over half of what she just said.

It all boils down to this, she was assaulted Monday night by a young man at her work. He asked her out and she said no, she was seeing someone. He grabbed her by the arm and squeezed, pulling at her and yelling at her that she was lying to him. She told him to let her go because he was hurting her and he refused still yelling the same thing. She said it one more time and as soon as he said no again she kicked him in his manhood. While he was going down she gave him a nice elbow to the face. (Good Girl) "Dropped him like a sack of potatoes with a little kiss on the way down" she said.

About that time help arrived and instead of asking her if she was okay, they helped the guy up telling him he just his butt kicked by a girl. She told him to never come back in there again and quickly he agreed.
She told me, "Daddy, I had my knife in my back pocket but I knew I didn't need it with this guy." (Good Girl)

She went to the police and did what she had to do to keep this from happening to someone else. She also now has an escort walk with her whenever she has to walk by herself. The school provides this great service for all the young women who do not feel safe.

Here is the reason why she did not want to tell me all that. I have told her, her sisters and their boyfriends that I will spend the rest of my life in prison to protect them even for only one second.
She knows how me and her Momma are when it comes to this and yes, I did want to drive the four hours and start knocking on every door and go through all forty thousand students until I found him.
The good thing is I don't need too. The authorities have it handled and are taking care of the problem.

I applaud her for staying cool, standing up and taking action, I applaud her for going to the police and reporting it. I also applaud her for realizing this might not be a isolated incident and taking precautions to avoid another encounter. Well done Girl.       



  1. First, let me say, I am so very glad that she is safe. That's the most important. I'm glad she knows how to handle herself and that she followed up with the police and that she is using the escort service. I'm very impressed.

    Second, you've rised some great kids, and it shows. I hope you can find some time to unwind after this, cause I know my blood would be boiling for a while.

  2. You have done a good job of raising her. She did a great job of defending herself. He was lucky she did not use the knife or have a gun.

  3. Holy cow! Thank God shes ok. Sounds like you raised her right. One thing that kind of irritates me about this story is how those who came to her cries for help made it almost like a joke instead of taking it serious and hauling his butt out to the cops. Tell her we are all proud of her. :)

  4. You tell her that she has this old geezer's admiration. Also, you have my congratulations on doing a good job of teaching her to not be afraid to defend herself.

  5. Thanks for the support y'all. I'll do my own post on it here soon. It was scary.. but momma didn't raise no fool. haha

    1. BEB - i am sooo glad that you were able to defend yourself in such a situation. and i am glad that you went to the authorities and are using the escort service. regardless of all of that, it must have been scary! i am glad that you kept your head, honey. and i am very sorry that you ever had to experience this. so very sorry.

      lots of love always to you! your friend,

  6. Good for you, BEB, good for you. MDR. I know how you feel. It would take all my will power not to drive down and find that piece of dog crap.

  7. BEB You rock!! So freaking proud of you girl. MDR You rock as well. I can only pray my girls handle what could have become a much worse situation so well.

  8. MDR buddy - i am glad that you are 4 hours away too! but you raised her well, buddy, you raised her well.

    your friend,

  9. MDR,
    Is it just me that wanted to be there to help take this SH-- Head Down! I know that you must be very happy that BEB took you seriously when you showed her how to defend her self!
    And BEB, You Go Girl! No Panic, Just did what had to be done!

  10. It sounds like you have raised a remarkably strong(in important ways) and self possessed young woman while this is definitely its own reward I'd like to congratulate you on your part in that.

    Secondly friends help you move and real friends help you move bodies.....on an unrelated note we have some conveniently isolated, large, and flammable brush piles around here.

  11. I'm very very glad she went to the police too. I saw her post (must have been right after she posted it) and by the time I got done writing her a comment (panicked comment) it was gone and I couldn't post it. I figured you had her take it down. Something about eyes with no soul. Thank god she knows how to take care of herself.

  12. How scary for her! So glad to hear that all you taught her kicked in, and she is not hurt. I am sure it will shake her up for awhile, but what a girl you have raised:) I don't blame you for wanting to go there, I would too. Hugs and prayers for her:)

  13. What an amazing young lady! Glad she is OK and it has to make you proud that she did the right things.

  14. when dadMDR read this he was ferious but glad she could take care of that guy he said "way to go BBB you rock" very proud of you from us both and stay safe

  15. Thank everyone for there comments and support.

    TF - Thank you my friend.

    Rob - I almost pitty the fool for trying.

    Coley - I am sure they would have helped if it went the other way but glad it didn't

    Gorges - Thank you and I will.

    BEB - Thank you for telling me.

    Stephen - The keys were in my hand brother.

    Lila - It is the training you hope they will never use.

    Kymber - Thank you my friend

    Tom - Thank you for the support and I am sure every parent feels the same way as you. He is a coward.

    ODY - Thank you very much.
    On an unrelated note, I am sure your brush piles could come in handy for lets say, a weenie roast.

    sista - No she took it down herself. I did not get the chance to read it. She told me she did not know how to handle the problem at that time and wanted to get it taken care of before she posted about it.

    Stephanie - Thank you for those kind words.

    DFW - It sure does and I am glad she did not hurt him as bad as she could have. Then she would be brought up on charges.

    Mom - Sorry you heard about this way. I thought she was going to call you.

  16. Glad it turned out good. I like stories like this. I don't think I would risk going to prison for a dirt bag like this, he may disappear though and never be seen again except on a milk carton.

  17. My stomach is all knotted just reading about this...I can't imagine how hard this was on you and your wife! Kudos to your daughter!

  18. ATTA GIRL!!! That's one smart and capable kiddo you've got there!

  19. Duke - If I would have been there I would have went to the joint, that is for sure.

    Sel - I am sure it was harder on BEB than us. She hates hurting people no matter what. She has such a kind and loving soul.

    Rae - Yes she is. Her sisters are the same way. Sometimes it is hard to get my point across because we raised them so strong willed.

  20. Both you and your wife have raised an awesome girl, young lady. I am proud that she handled the situation. I am proud that you all taught her how to do such.

    You family never stops amazing me at the way you show your love for each other. I have to admit it has brought me to moist eyes this morning.

    I am glad BEB is safe and let us hope this guy it brought under control soon. It is a blessing she could handle herself and it wasn't someone who didn't have a clue what to do. It is also good that BEB recognizes that and has turned the guy in. I am always proud to see her not just walk away but actually take action. Positive action. She is a one heck of a young lady.

    - Genevieve

  21. I must say you handled that a lot better than me and my band of rednecks there little brother. But then again, she was raised a ford. Good for her. Glad she is ok. DF

  22. G - Thank you for the heart felt words.
    I would vote for her if ran on day.

  23. Darrell - Thanks for the kind words, and I didn't say I was done with yet.

  24. I was impressed that she knew how much force to use and acted accordingly. I wouldn't blame her if she went a little further, but she made her point without over reacting.

    Sorry she had to go through that, but I'm glad she came out on the winning side!

    Comes from strong stock, I'm thinking!

  25. HJ - She is a lot stronger willed person than I am. She showed the power to not take it to the next level and really hurt the poor guy.

  26. I think you have a posse that would ride into town with you to settle the score for this young man without good judgment. I'm glad your daughter is okay and that she was pro-active in stopping that guy from pushing her around. I guess his thinks that he must be forceful because he is to much of a loser for women to want at free-will.


  27. Lana - No doubt on the posse. I know all it would take is a couple of phone calls. I even have some located in that area.
    I can bet he was just trying the aggressive thing out. When he saw it did not work well he was apologetic and hobbled off.

    1. I personally would have liked to have witnessed the hobble. - G

  28. G - I guess it brings a new meaning the collage old "Walk of shame"

  29. Wow! I'm glad she can handle herself! She seems really smart to follow through and go to the police. Most people wouldn't. MDR, you raised her right. And, like you, I would have wanted to go and hurt someone. I'm glad everything turned out ok.
