
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend Chores

The cold and snow has all moved away for now. The mud and water puddles are starting to dry up enough to move around. Today was the first day we could actually get out and get things done besides just feed and watering the animals.
It has been two and a half weeks since we were able to clean any pens and mam did they need it. We spent most of the day doing just that, chores that the weather has kept us from doing. Plus this was the first chance we had to evaluate everything and every animal to how they fared.

The onions plants do not look good at all. If this weeks sunshine does not bring any green back in them then this weekend we will replant.    
Our Speckled Sussex rooster was the only one who suffered any frost bite. I don't understand it either, he was in the same pen with all the others and he was the only one. I guess that is what happens when you are a head above the crowd.

And that's it. I think that everything fared pretty well. Now we need to start the prep work for the summer heat.

Yesterday I spent some time down at the Sac making cute little signs for the chicken pens. Normally I have better things to do than to make cute little things for chickens but being that yesterday was still to muddy to get anything accomplished, I decided to tap into my artistic side.  

Being that I have to work tomorrow I made the wife a nice little Valentines Day dinner tonight. It consisted of Honey glazed grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and baked beans. She in turn is making me a chess pie. That's what I call a win/win.
Love is in the air

Even the puppy got a bath today.

Have a great and blessed week and if you are around here in North Texas, then enjoy the beautiful weather this week. 


  1. The roosters comb got frost bit because it is so far from the rest of him. The hens combs are closer to their heads. It happens though.
    The signs ARE cute. You are so talented. lol

  2. Hey this hint comes to late but you can use it if it gets cold again, to prevent more frostbite. All you do is any chicken/ rooster that has a large cone coat their comb and whattles( they'll freeze too) with vasoline. Don't beleive if anyone tells you that if their cone freezes they'll be sterile, that certainly wasn't the case with our old buff rooster.

    Love your signs, you are so talented!

    I got my cold tolerant crops planted in the green house yesterday! What fun it was to dig in the dirt and enjoy 85F temps in the greenhouse.

    Blessings for your day,

  3. sfg, That makes all the sense in the world, thank you.
    Kelle, I never would have figured putting Vaseline on a chicken (there is a joke there somewhere). See here in Texas we never have to worry about things like that so most of us don't know. Like driving on ice, we just don't know. LOL
    My greenhouse is planned to be built this summer, I cannot wait. Do yall heat yours?

    Thank yall for the comments and the complements on the signs.

  4. Redneck,
    No joke, the vasoline really works, put on a good coating.

    Good luck with your greenhouse, we're loving ours. We had ripe tomatoes well into Nov. and then picked off the remaining green ones and ripened over time, we've had tomatoes until mid Jan.
    No we currently do NOT heat it, but have plans to do so with a wood stove. Just so we can extend our season and get an earlier start. We're still experimenting and learning, there is a learning curve when growing in a greenhouse. This year we'll be purchasing a shade cloth, to help with overheating and adding a solar attic vent to help exhaust the hot air better, than natural flow through the windows and roll up sides. It doesn't take it long to get to 100F inside.

