
Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This is the finished product of the Alfalfa sprouts. It took about six days for them to grow to harvest size. Just add a little ranch dressing to even out the healthy and unhealthy and there you go.

I stopped by a friend of mines new house on the way home from work today and picked up a bathtub he did not need. I plan to use it for another worm bed and raise night crawlers for bait.
I thought I was just going to drive up, throw it in the truck and head for the house but instead, I got a whole lot more.
With a hard knock on the back door and a greeting as if I were his long lost brother, he and his wife showed me around their new house pointing out every nook and cranny in the place. I could see the excitement in both of their faces and hear the sound of joy in their hearts as they talked and told me of the many plans they have to make their house into a home. I even put in my two cents on the master bathroom.
This guy and his family have been through some very tough times these past couple of years. I'm not talking about just your ordinary tough times but life shattering times. Any person I know that would have gone through what these people have gone though, would have lost all faith, cursed the heavens and gave up.
My friend and his family, even through the tragedies and the sickness pushed on, keeping the faith, believing, thinking God and praising his name to anyone that will listen. In return, he has cast down blessing upon them and given them a new life. Now that's power.
As I turned the truck North and drove away, I was humbled.
Thanks Tigger for putting me back in my place.


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  2. Redneck, the salad looks delicious! We have lettuce in a planter in the small greenhouse that is almost ready for the first cutting, hope by then the radishes will be ready too*wink* I just love this time of year, as by now I'm really craving fresh veggies and also another perk is not having to cook so many meals, we eat lots of cold meals and BBQ*wink*

  3. Thanks for the comment Kelle. The only thing from the garden on this side is onions. I can't wait for the grilled squash and fried green tomatoes.
