
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Candy Shop

Last year the wife (Candy) acquired an interested in crafting. I gave up the small attic in our tiny house to start her new adventure and within a couple of months she quickly outgrew the small, cramped space. With Candy showing a continued desire in "making things" we purchased a She Shed to give her more room and to expand her hobby now turning into a small business. 

She is filling orders every week and makes some of the neatest things from dog bowels to tumblers with any design imaginable.  

 If you might be interested in something just let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email at and I will get her in touch with you. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Sunsets Over North Texas

Every time I open a social media platform I see sunsets. They are all beautiful, some more than others, but in the end they are sunsets. After a while they all look the same and most of the time I just keep scrolling. Then there are sometimes when I just have to stop what I am doing, pick up my phone and snap some for myself.

Scroll down through some of the sunsets I found amazing taken either at The 44 Ranch in West Texas or here at the Farm in Pilot Point. I will also explain why sunsets hold a special place in my heart.

I was headed to the Army years ago. I was married with three young daughters. There was nothing left for me in Texas and we needed a new start for my family. The only way I could think of, to get that fresh start, was the Army. 

Leaving my girls and getting on that plane to Georgia was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I told them all before I left, every evening go out and watch the sunset. I will be looking at the same one and it will be just like I am right there with you.  


Follow me_and_her_after_kids on Instagram for more frequent updates.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Opening Bow Weekend

Right around this time of year is what I like the best. Where the shifting northern winds gives the air it's first chill and the hint of fall fills your nose with a slight sting. The crisp morning feeling is a welcoming sensation from the long Texas summer we all suffered through these past few months. Feeling this tells me one thing, it's deer season.

Here we go!

Bow sighted in and operational.........Check.

Hunting bag equipped.........Packed and re-packed again.

Everything else...........Wing it.


For the next few weeks this is my life. 

I just love it out here.