
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Holiday Post

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We spent ours at the deer lease, well at least most of it.

We ate at my brothers house and as soon as my folk hit the empty plate, we were gone. Rude, maybe but I gave plenty of notice to our plan and we left enough kids there to clean up.
It wasn't long before some of the family came out to the lease and joined us for a great weekend and a second Thanksgiving dinner.

My oldest daughter drove up to sit in the stand with me and we just talked. We didn't see anything that night, but we did make memories. She is pregnant with her first child and the baby is due around May. This will make four. I just wished she didn't live four hours away. I won't be able to be a part of this baby's life as much as I am with the others and that hurts my heart.

My youngest nephew shot his first deer Friday night and first pig Saturday night. We were all so happy for him. Now then, this is what its all about. Making future hunters. Showing the youth of today that they can get out and experience something more than video games and cell phones. To teach them the value of life and the value of the lives we take for our food.

On Sunday morning my Christmas present arrived. My middle daughter had her third baby girl. I was just getting down from the stand walking back to my ride when I got the call. It was quick, so quick she almost had her in the car. I packed up camp and went straight home. I didn't even change clothes and met my new grand baby in camo. I really don't have the words to describe the feeling of watching my family grow like it is. I guess if I had to give it one, it would be heartfelt or something like that.            

We are headed back out to the lease this weekend to get me some deer meat. We have been eating on that elk I got in Utah and made room in the freezer for a deer.

So if I don't talk you y'all before the new year, from our stand to yours, have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.