Friday, March 9, 2012

Project Launch

Through a friend I recently found the website Kickstarter. If you have not heard of it before, it is a Funding Platform website that will help you raise funds for new projects. If you have a good idea and need funding all you have to do is complete the application and submit the project. If your project meets their guidelines then they will let you launch it.

Being our goal is to have the Mini Farm be a full fledged CSA, I decided to try it out and submit that project to Kickstarter. They liked it and launched the project yesterday. I asked for funding to build new Gardens and Greenhouses to provide the space to grow enough food for the CSA members. The Mini Farm already has a customer base with the animals we sell and many customers have asked to be put on the waiting list for when it gets up and running.   

You can go to the link below and check it out. This is my personal project that I submitted and when you click on the Mini Barn there will be a cute little video of me talking about what we want to do. I don't have all that fancy video equipment most of them used so it is just me in the truck talking to the computer.

I look at it this way, this is something we have wanted and is the goal of the Mini Farm. What could it hurt, right.
Thanks for checking it out.


  1. Sounds like a great idea and a way to get where you want to go. Doing it piece meal takes so dang long.

  2. Good luck MDR. I will be following this.

  3. this sounds like a great idea, MDR, buddy and thanks for pointing the site out to me - i had never heard of it before. i must say that i am actually happily amazed at the number of people still left in the world who will donate to help others out. i think you are really on to a good thing!

    your friend,

  4. Sorry for the late reply. The internet was down due to the weather.

    mmasse - Thanks for the support.

    sista - Peace by piece was the plan but I figured what the heck, if it works then I would have made a heck of a jump instead of just a step.

    Rob - Thanks buddy.

    Kymber - It is the first time for me as well. Did you like the video?

  5. buddy - i looooved the video! you should do more for the blog and for the project! i think that people will really relate!

    your friend,

  6. Kymber - I figured you would liked the Texas in the way I talk.

  7. teehee - you sure got a lot of Texas in your speak!

  8. mmasse - I can't thank you enough.
    I am in debt to you my friend.
